Monday, October 1, 2012

Making apples

It surely suits the weather these days to sculpt apples. Rosy apples for the mice so they can make cider, apple cakes and crumbles.


  1. Your apples are delicious.
    Bye Faby

  2. Nice apples, good colors!

  3. un trabajo estupendo



  4. Applemania... lol... wonderfül.

    Hugs from me

    PuNo / Monika

  5. Your apples are perfect and they look good enough to eat! I plan to start following your mouse blog. In real life, rodents terrify me but I adore them in stories.

    I have a wonderful children's book called "George and Matilda Mouse and the Dolls' House". I used to read it to my three granddaughters when they were young. Once in a while, I take it off the shelf and read it. I love the pictures in it. Everything is just so endearing. The story is about two young mouse, George and Matilda who get married and take off to begin their new life together. They find an abandoned doll house in a garden and set up house in it.

    If you're interested in this book, it might be available on Amazon. I just know you would love the pictures in the book.

  6. Lucille How strange and wonderful at the same time. I do write about these mice. Some live in stubs and some in a dollhouse. In a abandoned garden. I will check out the book. Thanks for mentioning it. Thanks also Mari, Blake and Monika for nice comments. Have a super weekend:)

  7. They looks great..wonderful!
    Ina :)

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