Monday, March 15, 2010

My little dollhouse room

As promised here is my dollhouse room. This is just a little room in the basement. Nothing fancy but here I have most of my dollhouses. I also have some storage under the tables. I need to pack everything as we are moving. It will be about a year or so until our new house is finished but I do need to concentrate on working on our large house and also some upcoming fairs so I think I will be less visible here in blog land for a while. Though I do plan to have a giveaway when reaching a new round number. We will see if that happens;) Also thank you for the supportive comments to my readers.

                                                        Hope you all have a nice week:)



                         Just a peek inside the mouse house. Someone is busy playing.



  1. A treasure trove! How very lucky you are to have so many pretty houses. I am sure you are not looking forward to packing up, but I am certain your new house has many special things which you are looking forward to. Best of luck for all your new endeavors.

    PS It seems like a lot of people in mini-world are contemplating a move, moving at the moment, or have just moved! Strange coincidence?

  2. Such is a wonderful room, I would love to peak in every window! I'm sorry to have to pack everything, that will be quite an undertaking. Moving can be a great new adventure though!

  3. Hoooo, good it is incredible in this room many of us estariamos hours and hours, looking.
    I hope that the movement him does not suppose many disadvantages, and it solves it rapidly,
    We will wait for his return eagerly.
    An embrace

    hoooo, bueno es increible en esa habitacion muchos de nosotros estariamos horas y horas, mirando.
    Espero que el traslado no le suponga muchos inconvenientes, y lo solucione rapido,
    Esperaremos su regreso con impaciencia.
    un abrazo

  4. OMG, it's incredible and fantastic that room! You can do a city, haha.
    Congrats, you had an amazing work with all of that houses ^^

  5. oh such a beautiful space for beautiful wee homes ^ ^

  6. You are so lucky to have a room just for your dolls'houses. It's just like a little town. You really have got beautiful houses.
    In my flat I don't know where I could put more dolls'houses, maybe just one...
    You will be very busy soon, it would be a nightmare for me to have to pack all these miniatures.

  7. Fantastic Christel, so nice to see all your Houses together. Are you going to let us peek inside them?

  8. Lovely Christel.I know I could happily spend some time in that room. You are such a fan of white. Most my miniature projects end up white. I just love it! White and vintage white. Good luck with your move. Hugs~ Kim

  9. Wow! It's a lot of dollshouses! And it will be a lot of packing and unpacking too!:)

  10. Definitely the BEST room in your current house. I hope you get a good room in your new home for all your houses.

  11. Christel, your collection of doll houses is incredible, you are very lucky to have so much space for your wonderful collection. you have a real treasure, thanks for sharing with us.
    A warm greeting, Sonia.

  12. That is a beautiful little village of houses! I wish I have a room like that. You are so lucky :)

  13. OMG Chirstel! You call that a "little doll house room". Is Huge and amazing!. Thanks for sharing, now I want that room for Xmas and Santa is looking at me right now while he prepares for working wondering why Im smiling!. lol
    It is beautiful, please if you have time in a future do us a little tour. It is a wonderfull Christel, you are very lucky :)
    Patience with the moving.
    Hugs from Madrid.


  14. Now I understand what you mean with a whole town!!
    Wonderful to see all the houses yogheter and so nice to have a room for it!
    Hugs Sylvia

  15. Oh, my goodness Christel!
    I don't think I would ever be able to leave that room!
    How wonderful!

  16. What a beautiful room! You have so many pretty houses! I could spend DAYS in here, just looking!

  17. Hi,
    just to let you know, my Dollhouse blog ( has moved to My Dream Dollhouse (

  18. Ååå..jeg kommer og hjelper deg!!!!!

  19. My goodness, it is quite the little town in there.

    I too, would love to peek inside all of those houses. :)

  20. Madre mia mas casas no puedes tener. Que envidia de que tengas tanto espacio.

  21. Wow, so many houses and projects!
    How amazing to see!


  22. How I wish you lived around the corner from me Christel, what a fabulous room to get away from it all and 'play' and create! The houses all are amazing, my favourite is the tree house, so different and special! Good luck moving them all. I moved 3 from upstairs to downstairs and it took me 2 days, so would hate to think of packing all mine up to move ! They say moving house is one o the most stressful things in life so what does that say for us Miniaturists who have to move not 1 house, but dozens at a time! Kate xxxx

  23. Christel, that room is a dream came true!!! I'm getting green of envy, LOL!!!! The mouse house is a wonderful one. Hugs from Argentina!!!

  24. Hei, Christel! Du vant påskeegget i min lille giveaway! Mail meg adressen din:)

    Klem klem

  25. Hei :O)
    For noen nydelige ting du lager:=)

    Hvor har du fått kjøpt det helt hvite dukkehuset med kvist? Står til høyre på bildet. Noen hvite hagemøbler står utenfor.

    Skal anbefale denne siden til mine venninner.
    Hilsen Camilla

  26. Hei
    Dukkehuset er kjøpt hos "Toves Dukkehus" i Bergen. Hun hadde tidligere butikk men tror hun driver hjemmenifra nå. Hun har masse fint:)

  27. Takk for svar.
    Vet du hvordan man kommer i kontakt med henne? Har hun en nettbutikk?
    Har et stor amerikansk dukkehus som jeg kjøpte på ebay, men har også 3 barn hvor 2 av de er jenter.... kjekt med et hus til hver av dem :O)

  28. So many dollhouses, such a treasure trove :D

  29. I am a new follower (ponsxpons), incredible room is wonderful. Congratulations for your job. Best wishes

  30. This is marvelous!

    I especially love that mouse house! I have a friend who would simply adore that!


  31. Wow, I love this dollhouse room. My daughter has a room dedicated to her dollhouse – but I like this one better. I wish I could take her out and buy her a new dollhouse similar to this one. But I don’t have the time to go shopping as I am quite busy with work – I guess all the writers who provide Assignment Help USA – style, like myself, would agree that the workload in this field is a lot. Anyway, I will look for a similar dollhouse online. I hope I find one.
