Friday, June 25, 2010

Flea market

Last Saturday, the day before the Simp fair was spent on the famous and very large antique market in Paris called Porte de Clignancourt. We arrived after breakfast and had a wonderful day walking around and looking at all the beautiful antiques. I would love to bring some home...but it just couldn't fit in my suitcase. I did managed to find some metal pieces that I think will be good as molds for marzipan and chocolate however. Miniatures and 1/12 scale of course.

I took some pictures while wandering around and lunch was spent nearby with my husband Ray, Synnøve and Hans. Very nice food and wine. It was a great afternoon. Followed by a very nice evening when we met Rosanna, Shabia, Sylvia and Roberta for dinner.

 s1 s3s2  s6  s5s7 
This stall had lots of doll parts and nick nacks. I really liked how it was displayed.
The store with all the antique beads, metal finds and lace.


  1. I must visit this market! I love antiques and I visit all fairs at Oporto... I am young but I love and I have antique furnish!!!

  2. OH! how I envy you! I wish I was there ... I bought a lot of small useless junk! for example, those adorable little dolls!
    in my country there are no such stores, only to markets you can find something, but never anything like this!
    You're lucky to live there....
    Greetings from faraway Italy!
    kisses, Caterina

  3. Waw!!! What a lovely place!!!!
    You have to say to my the address of this fantastic shop, because I want to go again in Paris and I would like to go there.
    It' was so lovely meet you and your family...

  4. Great pics, thanks Christel. How wonderful to be able to look around those wonderful stores - but oh my goodness those doll parts are a bit distrubing ;)

    Everyone of these Paris/SIMP posts from you girls makes me want to go back to Paris more and more!! Especially for SIMP weekend.

  5. Oh, how gorgeous....I wish Paris weren't so far away. Thanks so much for these wonderful photos.

  6. Beautiful photos Christel,
    we too visited a fleamarket on the saturday but it wasnt the same one .Still lovely to look around and we bought some wonderful vintage lace :0)
    julie xxx

  7. Wonderful photos of "les Puces de Clignancourt"! I wanted to meet you but I have not had much time. I just saw Synnøve. Hope to meet you last year.

  8. How amazing the market looks!Thankyou for showing us.
    That's a lovely picture of you and Synnove.

  9. Wonderful pictures, Christel!
    Love, Susanne

  10. Det markedet er helt topp.
    Dere må kjøre ned neste år og fylle opp bilen med skatter!
    Flotte bilder!

    Lkem Janne

  11. Muchisimas gracias por las fotos!!!
    Tien que ser maravilloso, poder visitar esas fantasticas tiendas!!
    besitos ascension

  12. Du er i himmelen skjønner jeg...Jeg har vært der og glemmer aldri denne opplevelsen! Fortsatt god sommer.
    Klem fra Hanna

  13. What a neat place! Thanks for sharing these pics with much eye-candy!!!


  14. Danke für die netten Bilder zum Anschauen.

    Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

  15. As Julie says we visited a market as well.I wish we had found this one, with all those doll parts etc. Beautiful pictures Christel. Jain xx

  16. Wonderfull pictures de la Marche de Puces!!!. I have been looking to visit the marche des puces but haveng had time on my last visits.
    I will next time, your pics are so inspiring!.
    Hugs from Madrid.

  17. Oh, would I just love to be there. Fabulous things you have made, I just love every post I read.

  18. So nice to see the photo of you and Synnove, you both look so lovely, happy and relaxed! That flea market must have been wonderful, great you found something you could take home. Love all the boxes and the porcelain doll parts, so interesting they way they displayed everything, very eclectic. Jean♥

  19. Beautiful pics Christel!!!

    It was a pleasure to meet you, I never would have missed it in the world!


  20. W9onderful place Christel, tks for show it. Best wishes
