Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pictures from Paris

The summer vacation is really present here where I live. Almost quiet and there are no traffic rush on the small roads. I like this silence. I know I like it for  a while, then I would like to get things back to normal, and it usually does in the middle of August.  I am sure a lot of you are on vacation too and I hope you have a great time. Here you have a collection of pictures from my Paris trip this summer. Soon there will be pictures of miniatures..;)

Macarons, not from Laduree, but a nice little place near by our hotel.  As you see they come in several sizes.p1

These pictures were taken from a miniature/ice-cream shop!

                                 A very cool mix if you ask me.



A crepe guy:) He had to smile for a while as I had forgot to put on the camera. Typical me;)



Just a snap shoot from a window with lots of cheese.


Inez my oldest daugher and me. At  Place de invalides. We were at Napolenons tomb.


A very cute biscuit shop. They also sold some candies. Beautiful decorated.





Some more snap shots from a tiny shop…..with macarons:)


I have wanted to visit this shop for a while and we manage to do it this time. It is located near by Les Halles and are called E.Dehillerin. This is where the French chefs picks out their tools. I bought a couple of things, like a small very sharp tomato knife. Very handy to have.


Ending it with some more macarons. You can find them almost anywhere:)      



  1. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Lovely pictures Christel. I love them all but the one of you and your daughter is very nice. Hugs~ Kim

  3. Vielen Dank für die wunderschönen Bilder aus Paris. Ich war schon lange nicht mehr da.

    Und weiterhin eine schöne Zeit dort...

    Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

  4. Gorgeous photos Christel!
    Wow!! That biscuit shop - I could go crazy in there!

  5. Lovely photographs Christel.
    Thank you so much for sharing them. xx

  6. Lovely photos Christel, I hope I can visit that biscuit shop when I go back to paris , it looks wonderful !
    julie xxx

  7. Why is everything in Paris so pretty?? I love your photos!

  8. Great pics Christel!!! Love that miniature/ice cream shop when I found it last winter!!.

    Hugs from Madrid

  9. Fine bilder fra Paris, jeg venter på å se ostedisken i miniatyr på bloggen din... Jeg har vært flere ganger i den miniatyrbutikken på Ile Flottante, virkelig mye nydelig der, og mye dyrt :-)

  10. Dear Christel, after all these macarons, my blood sugar through the roof! Fortunately, you published a photo of the cheese, my favorite by far!
    You and your daughter are beautiful and it's nice to see you smiling side by side: I say this as a daughter and as a mom :-)
    Reguards, Flora

  11. la verdad es que las tiendas de dulces de parís son las mejores, y tan encantadoras con esas decoraciones tan geniales.
    un abrazo

    the truth is that the candy stores of Paris are the best, and so lovely with those decorations so great.
    a hug

  12. lovely Paris! wish i could go there someday....
    thank you for sharing, Christel.. ;)


  13. Hei Christel! Du har en super fin blogg - det så kjempe kosleig ut i Paris! Skulle gjerne vært der, men kunne desverre ikke. Jeg hadde absolutt kjøpt "hele" boden din, haha! Jeg elsker bare tingene du lager! :-D

  14. Lovely pictures, all! Thanks so much for sharing them. :)

    I never heard about macarrons until I came to blog land. I'm not even sure I saw them in Paris. (scratches head)

    lol ;)

  15. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!
    A delicious trip!!!!
    Very nice pictures!!

  16. I miss Paris... I have visited Paris more than 10 times, but the last time was 5 years ago ... :(
    Very inspiring your photos.
    Thank you for sharing with us!


  17. I love your photos of Paris. I wonder how you manage to find so beautiful and interesting shops. I will have to go to the one with ice cream and miniatures.
