Friday, January 9, 2009

I have a house for sale! Furnished too:) I just have too many things and need some space. This is for my Norwegian readers as it's a pick up sale:)
Click on the link to go to Finn to see more pictures of it.
Click here to go to


Debbie said...

Don't I just wish I lived in Norway. Its beautiful Christel.. Are you including the furniture as well? I hope it goes to a good home.. Mini Hugs

marlies said...

I love the house, but i also do not live in Norway. Its pity you have to let go.

Christel said...

Hi Debbie:) Yes everything included. I just have too many things and miniatures. I dont sell it to bad people;)

Lissu said...

I wish that I live in Norway just now...So lovely! Is it possible to see more photos of the diningroom?

Christel said...

Hi Lissu and Marlies
Click on the link Lissu and you will find pictures of the dining room. Swedish style:) Don't be sad Marlies;) Lol I am not:)
Why dont you all come and live here and we could play all the time:))

rosanna said...

It's a pity I don't have room for it in my house... and I'm not Norwegian as well!
It's beatiful, cannot say anything else.

marlies said...

O yeh! If that could be.......

kimsminiatures said...

It's beautiful Christel. Like all your work. Mini hugs :)

Rita Tjelta said...

And I`m so lucky that I live in Norway....LOL!!
But, still it`s to far away.

Christel, legg inn linken på dukkehus forumet og huset er solgt in no time....på godt norsk hehe..

rosanna said...

I made it, I did the teapots, they are on my blog.
Little bit bigger than I wished but quite satisfactory to be a first try ;O)

Christel said...

Thanks it's is now SOLD to a nice person:)
Rosanna's teapots are so cute. I am sensing a mice invasion here;) Lol

Stephanie Kilgast said...

aaaaaaaaaaah! waaaaaaaaaant!
Need! Don't have at home!
Dying for *aargh*