Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crepes with Nutella

A street vendor in Paris making crepes inspired me to make some in mini. Yesterday I had  a  Norwegian woman's magazine called Allers visiting me. We made a mini tutorial on how to make crepes. They took a lot of pictures of my minis as well. Will show you on a later date.




Ascension said...

Se ven deliciosos.....uhmmmmmmm!!!
Estoy deseando poder ver ese tutorial.
besityos ascension

miniacollection said...

They are perfect.
Will you sell them with the nutella jar in your Etsy shop? I have looked for crêpes for a long time and with Nutella it would be perfect for my little dolls. Let me know, please.

Mags Cassidy said...


Cakebuilder said...

it looks delicious,yummy!! very real!

linsminis said...

mmm...Christel..I really want pancakes now! Lovely work!

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

One of my favorite desserts. I like strawberries with mine. Very cute!

JDayMinis said...

So wonderful that you share an inspiration of a street vendor from Paris with us. I last year I go to see Paris for a day, not nearly long enough, LOL, but it was magical.
Love your crepes! Thank you for sharing.

Christel said...

Thanks:) I am glad you liked them. My intesions is to put more on Etsy...but been too busy lately with everyting else:0) I'll pm you Genevieve:)Of course your two cute little dolls should have crepes;)

Johanna said...

Looks vey real. Yammy!

Miniature Patisserie Chef said...

The crepes look so real! Yummy!

Pei Li