Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A new mouse house

The minimice blog.

The latest house I am currently working on will be the the largest house in the apple tree garden. I think it has as much as 19 rooms, both large and small.This house was traded to me by Kari Mette Tvedt. It first belonged to Hild Tove Aslaksen. Both Norwegian miniaturist.They have put some effort into this house and I would like to thank and credit them for it.The baguette holder is also made by Kari Mette Tvedt. She is a very talented basket maker. Please come over to
and join their stories and try their recipes.


Carina said...

very nice room!

Margaret said...

How delightful, this scene has so much charm, and no wonder, it was created by such talented miniaturists.

mcddiss said...

no puedo imginar una casa tan grande, te va a dar muchisimo trabajo,pero seguro que tambien te dara muchas satisfacciones



Fabiola said...

Very nice.
Bye Faby

Blake said...

I love the shabby chic look! Amazing work!

Gianna T said...

Your tthe best