Friday, October 5, 2012

French treats

A picture from some French inspired treats, made in miniature. Hope this weekend will provide good weather, as we are visiting a new large exiting food hall in Oslo. Hope I get lots of inspiration. I will take some picture and show you later. What are you up to this weekend?


Fabiola said...

Bye Faby

Plushpussycat said...

Beautiful, Christel! I'll be attending the Portland dollhouse miniatures show. I hope to get some inspiration too! Have fun! xo Jennifer

Christel said...

Thanks Fabiola and Jennifer. Wish I could join the show. Sounds like fun. Enjoy:)

Lucille said...

All are so exquisitely made and all look good enough to eat!

onbeingaminimum said...

Looking yummy as usual. Wet, wet, wet here in the UK so I hope to be shut in my workroom.

mcddiss said...

se ven deliciosos , buen trabajo



Susanne said...

Looks lovely!

Blake said...

Perfect, as always!

Maria said...

Nice miniatures,specially the Eiffel Tower.
p.s.I was shopping at a fair in Holland this weekend with my mum, now going to make photo's of my finds

Kleine Vingers said...

Everything looks so delicious...
miniature greetings